I want to track my mediause for 48 hours. therefor in this blogentry I will considerate how to capture my mediause. I know that I am a hardcore mediauser - actually I will consider myself addicted to media and the social interaction on mediaplatforms.
afterwords I will in 24 hours fast from all media. I will not log on Facebook, snapchat or instagram which are the apps I usually use everyday. They are in fact unnecessary, or at least that is my thesis before my media track.
My 48 hour trackingplan:
From 23th october - 25th october I will track all of my media use.
I want to write down in hand my media use. Therefor I'll write down in my journal every time I log on and use social media.
I have three points I want to review.
- which media did I use? Facebook, instagram or snapchat?
- for how long? and at what time? I'll write down date and time.
- and why? consider what was the purpose?
Changes may occur along the process - if my plan is not working as I planned, I 'll make some changes. These changes will be descriped in a evaluation after the 48 hours mediatrack. I will post my notes to the blog by midnight 25th october.
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