mandag den 11. november 2013

how did it go?

Well, how was my media diet? To be honest I turned off my phone at 12 a clock saturday. And turned it on again 10 min past 12. So to answer my rhetoric question - it went bad, really bad.
my worked texted me if I wanted the day of. I had a bad hangover and acutally I really just wanted to stay in bed og watch a good movie. So I stayed home from work, watched a movie - so I could'nt live without my TV. okay - that settles it, already broke the rules..
I was so bored with the movie, and normally when I watch TV I always have my phone close to me. but it was turned off.
I had to talk with my friends about my friday night - we had a good night and a lot of things to talk about.
I had to turn on my phone.. so I did.
went on facebook, instagram, snap chat, texted my friends and checked my e-mail. Baaaad.....

in the evening at my friends birthday bash I even posted a picture on facebook! and then I decided again to turn off my phone. 15 mins after - it was turned on..

Seriously ? What is wrong with me and diet? When there is something I'm not aloud to I want to do it! its like when I every sunday agree with myself, No more chocolate .. And the first thing I but in my basket while grocery shopping is chocolate.

This was a bad asignment for me.. - Look closer when I tomorrow post my V-blog entry about why it is so difficult for me to stay on a diet - even if its only for 24 hours.

fredag den 8. november 2013

Media Diet

Announcing my media diet, from saturday 12 a'clock to sunday 12 a'clock.
It is the most conveniently for me, because I have work saturday, and afterwords I have plans for going out. So at that time I don't need my phone as much as I usually have. 
That is how addicted I am to communication trough my iPhone.

I'll post a entry about how it went. 

onsdag den 30. oktober 2013

My media use.

My purpose with this blog entry is to describe thickly my interaction on social media.
My research was centered and focused from 23th of October – 25th of October. In total 48 hours. Everytime I used social media I wrote it down on a word document. I wrote down the date, time, which app or webside and my purpose. I used my iPhone 4 and my Asus computer. I was focused on tree social media: Facebook, Snapchat and instagram. To be honest I use several others social media applications and services, for an example; bloglovin’, Trendsales, spotify and so on.  But to do it simple and more uncluttered I simply chose to only focus on my most used social media applications.
I found out that I am online 24 hours a day. Simply, because I can. When people was trying to reach me, trough ex. Facebook I saw their messages right away. Sometimes I choose to respond a couple of hours later than I received the message, and sometimes I responded right away – because I could.  That was the most interesting about my tracking plan, that I actually was online all the time every day. Even when I woke up in the middle of the night, I had received snaps or facebookmessages – read them right away, but sometimes chose to respond in the morning.
That brings me to the next step: I was good at sorting in my facebook messages, snapchats and likes on insta. If it was important I responded, or if I was bored I responded. If I was busy I waited till I had the time to respond, and if people approached again on one of the tree social medias I chose again to respond when I had the time.

I was not trying to be rude, but if I was busy it was more important for me to respond later. I was almost always responding, but when I felt like it made sense for me. It makes sense to conclude that for me facebook messages, likes on instagram and snaps from my friends is not the same as a “hej” when meeting a friend IRL. I noticed that ofcourse I was responding the “hej” right away – because it made sense for me at the time. It was not making any sense to keep on being busy, and not respond to the “hej” that would just made the situation awkward(!!). The situation was not awkward when I was waiting to respond. That was at least my believe. 

mandag den 28. oktober 2013

fredag den 25. oktober 2013

notes 48 hour tracking plan

date: 23/10-13
7:48 received a notification of a message on facebook. I read it quickly on my iPhones outer screen. Felt asleep again .
08:59 I read the message and respond to facebook . My companion asked for a girl . You see several notifications on facebook. Reading through them and answer the most relevant right now.
09:19 I ought to read - but just have to check facebook from my computer.
09:45 to 10:14 I created profile on Linkdin .
10 ? My companion answered and I answered him again on facebook
11:00 I got a notification on facebook for a post in a group
11:07 I checked it on my computer
12:05 ready for training logs on facebook . Nothing new, I log off. Checking instagram , but nothing new. Checking mails. Mail for new connections on Linkdin
Kl.12.16 my class has started. I received a snap chap
12.44 checking my snap chat. A buddy has "drawing high-level " as he texted on the picture.
13.05 break from class, checking facebook "likes" my friend's new profile picture and log on to chat.
13:45 I advertise a proposal for a Christmas party for the digital life on our facebook group.
14.33 checked facebook on my computer for comments and "likes" on my proposal. In addition, I checked also instagram , and "liked" a picture of the host Ibi from morning TV and a picture from a cafe that lies just beneath my work.
14:50 created event for Christmas
15:20 received a snap chat from my sister
15.26 checking my recieved snap. My sister is eating breakfast in mexico
15.58 Snap Chat from a buddy
16:20 opens snap chat. A video of his car in the car wash .
16.30 new snap chat asking what I thought of his new beard - responded right away - Hitler?
18:35 just got home and opens my computer and log on to facebook . Chatted with different people in a 20 minute period.
18:55 snapchat received from friend. Checked it immediately
18:57 checked instagram , and received instant snap of a work colleague. I " annullated " and checked instagram till I felt I checked everything new.
19:00 snap from fellow , a snap with plenty of food.
19:01 sent a snap of myself to a friend who reminded her to see Christopher tonight on TV.
19:15 I got a snap chat from my friend again who asked how it went with my blog.
19:30 I answered her again with a snap , a picture of my blog. I remembered that I had not yet made ​​my fire dump.
19:45 I opened my blog and started writing my braindump on the computer
20:23 receive a snap chat from an American friend I met in Norway. He snapped his cat.
20:24 I snap back that it was cute
20:25 I grabed the computer and checked my profile on Linkdin . Trying to edit information and upload resume. I asked my mom for advice on the chat on facebook.
20.58 received snap chat from my best friend's sister, an image of 150 kr and the text " I'm rich".
21:52 I was watching Saselines confessions on 4'ern . I snapped a picture of it to a few of my snap contacts.
21:53 to 22:18 got snaps back and I snapped back at the most relevant
22:30 ? I chatted on facebook until I went to bed
03:30 I woke up in the middle of the night , checked my mobile and had received two snaps from a friend in Canada and in the United States . Falled back to sleep.

Date 24/10-13
8:05 I woke up again, and had a snap from my friend from sf , and a message on facebook from another friend asking about when to work out.
09:30 I replied to a message from my workout friend.
9:45 I checked instagram
10:12 snap chat from my friend in Germany
10:22 got a notification of a message on facebook. It was from one from the study group. he is asking when to meet. I answered right away.
11:35 a notification on facebook from a friend who cancels Saturday's celebration. I answer immediately.
11:40 I was distracted from the reading due to the interaction on facebook. I decided to write to my dad's girlfriend's son if he would help me for the exam in dynamic web design. Fortunately , he wanted to help me.
11:45 still chatting on facebook. Procrastination !
12:06 I read while facebook is open . A notification from a fellow student pops up and accept the proposal to meet in study group Monday.
13:00 I'm having a warming party next weekend and I shall plant a message in the event. People respond and I respond again .
13:19 I check my iphone and has got two snaps. One from a buddy who just got food, and one from a friend who is bored to lecture. I snapped back later.
15:15 I have come home from coffee with a friend, I check my phone. And I see the notifications from facebook . Opens instead my computer and goods.
15:47 notification on facebook , I check it. And check out instagram on my mobile . While I read.
16:00 I liker photos on instagram
11.16 more notifications on facebook. I respond back and forth ang Christmas party and my housewarming party . Procrastination
16.13 I get snapchats and respond
16:14 another snap chat from my buddy in Norway
16:35 snap chat from a friend in Germany. She is in school . Snapping a video back .
17.42 more notifications of messages on facebook . I log onto my computer . But does not answer and does not look messages. However , I see an interaction between two of my friends, I choose to comment . That's funny.
18:02 as I read I receive a snap chat. I get upset. But look the same. My old roomie must have cauliflower for dinner.
18:24 wrote to my friend on facebook what time we had to train in the evening
20.05 after exercise I looked at my phone . I had four snaps and one inbox message on facebook. I checked snaps and snapped back that I was training.
20:19 I got home , opened my computer and responded to the message on facebook. In addition, I checked the notifications else I had .
20:55 closed my computer, but instead I logged on my instagram before my friend came to visit at . 21.00
22:30 we had gone out to get a beer , and while I receive a snap chat from my buddy .
22:45 I look snap chat of an omelet . I will not respond to snapping
22:59 I receive a notification on facebook, the same friend wrote on facebook, whether or not it was a great omelet. I do not answer until the following day at . 10:00 on facebook that the omelet was great .
3:20 I wake up and look at my phone, I have received two snaps. One from a friend in Canada and another from a friend in Germany. Placing the phone from me and watched them the day after .

onsdag den 23. oktober 2013

Braindump 1

a couple of weeks ago we were in my class digital identity asked to make a braindump. actually I did'nt post my braindump after the class because I still had'nt created my blog yet. Now, I'm more comfortable posting blog entrys now, and therefore this entry is about my first braindump. We where asked to type all of our thoughts down in 20 min. our thoughts should be centered by the last time we where engaged in social media interaction.
I wrote my thoughts down in danish, and we where not allowed to correct any spellingmistakes.

this was my result:

Jeg var til morgenmad med min søster i morges og vi fik en god morgen mad med youghurt , brød og kaffe. Min søster valgte at ligge et billed på instagram af mig, og vores overdådige morgenmadsbuffet. Hvor til hun skrev på billedet at det var en god start på hendes fridag.

Jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal skrive jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal skrive lige nu … jeg havde det helt fint med dette, selvom jeg var træt og det var et dårligt billede så var det da fint. Hun tog flere billeder af mig fordi at jeg så ret træt ud på nogle af billederne. Derfor valgte hun at lægge et billed op hvor jeg kigger ned så man ikke kunne se mine alt for trætte øjne. hvilket var ganske fint – for vinklen var ret god. Billedet fik likes af venner og veninder der fulgte min søster. Selv overvejede jeg at lægge et billede op af hende og morgenmads bordet, men jeg valgte ikke at gøre det alligevel da

Jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal skrive jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal skrive jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal skrive jeg ner ike hvad jeg skal skrive jeg synes måske det var lidt akavet eller lidt for åbenlyst at vi begge postede et billede af at viv var til morgenmadsbuffet. For vi har jo nogenlune samme følgere ogsv. Og hvad ville de ikke tænke . et par timer efter tjekkede jeg om det havde fået flere likes og det havde det skam. Billedet var stadig fint og det var godkendt.

Jeg låste mig selv ude i dag hvilket var ret så irriterende da det fik ud over at jeg ikke kunne kæse, men det var der ikke noget at fgøre ved  min mobil fik  ud og jdg måtte tage ind til byen for at få tiden til at gå dtil je vidste min roomie var hjemme igen.  Jeg ville gerne have instagrammet der, eller i hvert fald kunne ringe til en. Men mobilen var gået ud og jeg overvejede hvor afhænging man er blvet at de soviale medier,

Endelig kom jeg ind og det første jeg gjorde var at få tladet min mobil op så jeg kunne tjekke om nadre havde liket billedet min søster havde lagt op. Det var der, og dette gjorde mig tglad. Samtidig fik jeg en sms fra min søster der beklageligvis havde fået min nøglle med hjem om heg var kommet hind i gen, ja efter 5 timer i byen var jeg ommet ind. Jeg var lidt træt af hele situationen og normalt ville jeg like billedet, min søser havde lagt op, men fordi jeg manglede en af blame så var det hende jeg gav skylden for at hae låst mig selv ude. Derfor fik billedet ikke et like a mig, og jeg fik svaret en lidt sur besked igen at jeg heldigvis var jeg da inde men at det da også havde taget sin tid. Så en ellers hyggelig morgen bleb sq lidt ødelagt og billedet på instagram bliver i stedet et irritationsmoment end et godt minde. stAdigvæk kan jeg ikke lade være lige at tjekke hvem der dog har liket det yderligere. Men sådan er det vel med de sociale medier – at deres betydning ændres eller dvs de situationer de bliver taget i ændres alt efter hvad der sker efterfølgende i det virkelige liv. Billedet af mig blev en irritation, ikke fordi det var et dårligt billeder, men fordi det var mindede mig om at jeg efter dette billede havde gået 5 timer og vebtet oå at kunne komme ind i min lehlighed.

Gklhcv,,mnvvbnmkjhgfghjktyuioiuyreweruiuytrewqqwertyuikjhgfddjhgfdsasdfghjklaner ikke hvad jeg mere skal skrive`????????????????????????????????????????????,jhgfdghjklkjhgfdfghjklpoiuytrertyuiopoiudssdfgfgfgfggygygygygygygygygygygggghhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkeder mig lidt, er der snart gået 20m in? 5 nin endnu, har jeg ikke udnyttet min tid godt nok-? Er faktisk også mega sulten fordi jeg netop ikke har fået noget mad siden jeg låste mig selv ude, og siden jeg vra til morgenmadsbuffet. Jeg er vidst ikke den eneste der dsidder og ikke ved hvad jeg skal skrive. 4 min – måske jeg kan nå at tjekke biledet igen for liks ? eller burde jeg kommenterer, tak for en dejlig dag? Selvom eg stadig er lidt irriteret. Jjjjjl jeg naer ikke hvad jeg skal skrive, jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal skrive, jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal skrive jg aner ikke hvad jeg skal skrie jeg aner ikke hvad jeg skal skrive. Jegtror ikke jeg har tænkt så meget over et billede før – men jeg er egentlig glad for at hun ikke valgte et af de andre billeder af mig. For der var mine øjne da virkelig trætte og hævede. Men morgenmaden var sq god! Kunne sagtens spise en nutella mad lige nu. Hvorfor spste jeg dog ikke også noget mere? Øv hvor irriterende. Jeg kan altså ikke skrive mere – burde jeg have lagt et billede op af min søster og morgenmad ? hmm.. mpske.. den gør jeg en anden gang s.å… r

tirsdag den 22. oktober 2013

My tracking plan

I want to track my mediause for 48 hours. therefor in this blogentry I will considerate how to capture my mediause. I know that I am a hardcore mediauser - actually I will consider myself addicted to media and the social interaction on mediaplatforms.
afterwords I will in 24 hours fast from all media. I will not log on Facebook, snapchat or instagram which are the apps I usually use everyday. They are in fact unnecessary, or at least that is my thesis before my media track.

My 48 hour trackingplan:
From 23th october - 25th october I will track all of my media use.
I want to write down in hand my media use. Therefor I'll write down in my journal every time I log on and use social media.
I have three points I want to review.

  • which media did I use? Facebook, instagram or snapchat?
  • for how long? and at what time? I'll write down date and time. 
  • and why? consider what was the purpose? 
Changes may occur along the process - if my plan is not working as I planned, I 'll make some changes. These changes will be descriped in a evaluation after the 48 hours mediatrack. I will post my notes to the blog by midnight 25th october.