date: 23/10-13
7:48 received a notification of a message on facebook. I read it quickly on my iPhones outer screen. Felt asleep again .
08:59 I read the message and respond to facebook . My companion asked for a girl . You see several notifications on facebook. Reading through them and answer the most relevant right now.
09:19 I ought to read - but just have to check facebook from my computer.
09:45 to 10:14 I created profile on Linkdin .
10 ? My companion answered and I answered him again on facebook
11:00 I got a notification on facebook for a post in a group
11:07 I checked it on my computer
12:05 ready for training logs on facebook . Nothing new, I log off. Checking instagram , but nothing new. Checking mails. Mail for new connections on Linkdin
Kl.12.16 my class has started. I received a snap chap
12.44 checking my snap chat. A buddy has "drawing high-level " as he texted on the picture.
13.05 break from class, checking facebook "likes" my friend's new profile picture and log on to chat.
13:45 I advertise a proposal for a Christmas party for the digital life on our facebook group.
14.33 checked facebook on my computer for comments and "likes" on my proposal. In addition, I checked also instagram , and "liked" a picture of the host Ibi from morning TV and a picture from a cafe that lies just beneath my work.
14:50 created event for Christmas
15:20 received a snap chat from my sister
15.26 checking my recieved snap. My sister is eating breakfast in mexico
15.58 Snap Chat from a buddy
16:20 opens snap chat. A video of his car in the car wash .
16.30 new snap chat asking what I thought of his new beard - responded right away - Hitler?
18:35 just got home and opens my computer and log on to facebook . Chatted with different people in a 20 minute period.
18:55 snapchat received from friend. Checked it immediately
18:57 checked instagram , and received instant snap of a work colleague. I " annullated " and checked instagram till I felt I checked everything new.
19:00 snap from fellow , a snap with plenty of food.
19:01 sent a snap of myself to a friend who reminded her to see Christopher tonight on TV.
19:15 I got a snap chat from my friend again who asked how it went with my blog.
19:30 I answered her again with a snap , a picture of my blog. I remembered that I had not yet made my fire dump.
19:45 I opened my blog and started writing my braindump on the computer
20:23 receive a snap chat from an American friend I met in Norway. He snapped his cat.
20:24 I snap back that it was cute
20:25 I grabed the computer and checked my profile on Linkdin . Trying to edit information and upload resume. I asked my mom for advice on the chat on facebook.
20.58 received snap chat from my best friend's sister, an image of 150 kr and the text " I'm rich".
21:52 I was watching Saselines confessions on 4'ern . I snapped a picture of it to a few of my snap contacts.
21:53 to 22:18 got snaps back and I snapped back at the most relevant
22:30 ? I chatted on facebook until I went to bed
03:30 I woke up in the middle of the night , checked my mobile and had received two snaps from a friend in Canada and in the United States . Falled back to sleep.
Date 24/10-13
8:05 I woke up again, and had a snap from my friend from sf , and a message on facebook from another friend asking about when to work out.
09:30 I replied to a message from my workout friend.
9:45 I checked instagram
10:12 snap chat from my friend in Germany
10:22 got a notification of a message on facebook. It was from one from the study group. he is asking when to meet. I answered right away.
11:35 a notification on facebook from a friend who cancels Saturday's celebration. I answer immediately.
11:40 I was distracted from the reading due to the interaction on facebook. I decided to write to my dad's girlfriend's son if he would help me for the exam in dynamic web design. Fortunately , he wanted to help me.
11:45 still chatting on facebook. Procrastination !
12:06 I read while facebook is open . A notification from a fellow student pops up and accept the proposal to meet in study group Monday.
13:00 I'm having a warming party next weekend and I shall plant a message in the event. People respond and I respond again .
13:19 I check my iphone and has got two snaps. One from a buddy who just got food, and one from a friend who is bored to lecture. I snapped back later.
15:15 I have come home from coffee with a friend, I check my phone. And I see the notifications from facebook . Opens instead my computer and goods.
15:47 notification on facebook , I check it. And check out instagram on my mobile . While I read.
16:00 I liker photos on instagram
11.16 more notifications on facebook. I respond back and forth ang Christmas party and my housewarming party . Procrastination
16.13 I get snapchats and respond
16:14 another snap chat from my buddy in Norway
16:35 snap chat from a friend in Germany. She is in school . Snapping a video back .
17.42 more notifications of messages on facebook . I log onto my computer . But does not answer and does not look messages. However , I see an interaction between two of my friends, I choose to comment . That's funny.
18:02 as I read I receive a snap chat. I get upset. But look the same. My old roomie must have cauliflower for dinner.
18:24 wrote to my friend on facebook what time we had to train in the evening
20.05 after exercise I looked at my phone . I had four snaps and one inbox message on facebook. I checked snaps and snapped back that I was training.
20:19 I got home , opened my computer and responded to the message on facebook. In addition, I checked the notifications else I had .
20:55 closed my computer, but instead I logged on my instagram before my friend came to visit at . 21.00
22:30 we had gone out to get a beer , and while I receive a snap chat from my buddy .
22:45 I look snap chat of an omelet . I will not respond to snapping
22:59 I receive a notification on facebook, the same friend wrote on facebook, whether or not it was a great omelet. I do not answer until the following day at . 10:00 on facebook that the omelet was great .
3:20 I wake up and look at my phone, I have received two snaps. One from a friend in Canada and another from a friend in Germany. Placing the phone from me and watched them the day after .